Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 3 of 30 - Cravings!

Wow I'm doing REALLY shit so far today. I'm feeling a little lonely and depressed, and am currently fighting a mega chocolate craving. Have no real food, need to do a re-stock. Will check back later.

LATER - Oh my fucking god... I'm feeling sooooooooo crap! Just really really down and depressed... so lonely :( I WANT CHOCOLATE!!! I know it won't make me feel any better.. I'll most likely feel worse afterwards but I want it so bad :(

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 2 - Mrs Grumpy Pants

Day two sucked.
I had to do breakfast shift and had the craziest drive to work ever.. With all the wind there were trees all over the road and I had a few very scary experiences. When I, the ever emotional eater got to work I dived into some open biscuits and then proceeded to eat all day.. the more refined the product the better! Then to top it all off I was told I had to do a split shift with no warning. Came home starving (geez.. would that have anything to do with NOT EATING ANY PROTEIN ALL DAY???) and fell into more processed carbs. Sigh.

So no exercise.
Food - shit shit shit but at least I took my fish oil, VC and zinc and ate some more vegetable soup.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 1 of 30 - Getting off the crack

I know that I am a special type of person that requires accountability. As such I am setting myself a series of challenges, each lasting a month. This month, I am aiming to eat a lot cleaner, and wean myself off the crack (sugar). With my new job, I am finding vegetables to be almost non-existant, so I really want to increase my consumption of "real" food, avoid processed grains and wheat to some extent, and seriously up my intake of healthy fats while cutting back on donuts and chocolate.
I also aim to losely follow the CFX programming or at least go for a run / visit the local box 5 days out of 7 (sat/sun off).

Starting weight = 100.2kg. Goal is for it to be less. That is all.

B - Handful of almonds post WOD
L - Salmon + Roast Brocolli
S - Cauliflower and Pumpkin soup, 2 x slice flax/rye/sunflower bread
D - Bran cereal, choc flavouring, Almonds.


Skipping practice
3 x rounds of 200m run/15 x 15kg push-jerk/dips on parallel bars (blue band) - 8 mins.
Slow squats with holds
Pullup practice.